Had a tough morning session with the seniors. They're getting stronger. I should bulk up too to keep up. Stroke wise was pretty good just lacking the fitness and the strength to pull the heavy water. Had like a 2 hr long weights session after that. Do until my arm started having spasms. That's my limit. Tried to force it but my arms wont push anymore. Too heavy...
Probably will go down later for afternoon session as well. Haven't decided yet. My hands got this blister that just burst and i can't grab stuff properly. But after awhile the pain will go away especially when your tired. So...i'll just wait till 3+ then see how.
5km time trial coming up. Hopefully can perform better than my normal 5km which is quite slow.
Back from afternoon session. Did a 6 km slowly.Free program main aim was feeling. Then drills.
Helicopter,javelin, draw strokes. quite standard. Nice and easy training. Clearing the lactic for tmr. I foresee weights again
This will be the tough boring long tedious period of long hard rowing and weights to bulk up. It's gonna be tough but necessary to push the timings lower. 11 months on now and the aims i written down at the end of last year is finally expired. Time to write out new ones. One of them is to improve my marathon timings( >16km) and have more consistency. Achieved most of my timings that i wanted to this year. But next year is the big year for me and i really have to push very hard now to ensure i have some record to get myself out of army to continue. Next few years will really decide if i'll be able to make it big or not. 17-19 i feel is one of the most important years to transition into full racing. I need the time to develop and i really have to push hard to have some power to decide my future. Biggest plus will probably be the junior world champs. Where there will be world class people around. Must fight hard now.
Today i also learnt about huang jiao lian's story. It casts a pretty bleak shadow on the future of this sport in singapore. But i think we've really improved alot since he first came here. All we need now is for someone to break into the finals of a major international. Gotta eat more and bulk up seriously.Everyone has their own story. How you want to write it depends on you. This is my story and i'm gonna write it whatever way i want no matter how many people think i cant make it.