God's words...
He talked about how God would take 60 years to create an oak tree and 6 hours to create a mushroom. One takes longer time to create compared to the other. The mushroom however just needs a little pinch of the fingers to be removed from the ground. The oak tree needs machines to dig out its deep searching roots before it can be pulled out. The machines, and fingers symbolise the troubles that push us to breaking point. How easily they are removed from the ground on the other hand represent how much we can actually take. He also mentioned how our reactions to trouble show characther which I totally agree with. I look at myself at this point and just feel so inadequte. The way i deal with unideal situations are not extremely good. There's a long way of moulding for me before i can become a person with strong characther.
He continued on to say that there are many talents and ingenious minds out there, but thsoe who really make it big are those who perservere.God is at work with our lives and it may take a long time. But though the journey may be long, 10, 20, 30 years...to create a strong mind, strong body, strong unwavering characther...those who perservere will see the fruits of their labour. May I be granted with the strength to carry on perservering and may my characther be moulding into one that is steady as rock.