Saturday, May 13, 2006

i died?

Someone told me that he dreamt i died.

I was climbing some obstacle course without safety equipment. and no mat below. then i got tired. and i let go. and fell to my death.

well that's the gist of it.

Might the world be a better place if i never existed or ceased to exist?
Coming from a relatively superstitious family due to the fact we are free-thinkers...i was told be4 that these kind of dreams shouldn't be told to the person that died in the dream. But not superstitious.

This reminds me of this period in time where i keep dreaming of these kind of things. walking through halls with corpses with some guide i didn't even know etc. "dirty" things basically.

what really are dreams? they show one's deepest desires, thoughts, feelings, fears. well, thats wat i feel at least. But somehow i didnt feel scared surrounded by these strangers with weird things around me. the best i can describe it was like a "exhibition" with a guide showing you around the place. I remember what happened exactly. their faces. their expressions. the scene. and the corpses...-.-

god's trying to tell me something?

There's was this time i woke up from a dream, did everthing i wanted...then realised i was still in a dream. was super paranoid for the rest of the day. kept thinking about that dream of a dream.
scary. i didnt even realise. it was so real...

But theres the lighter side of dreams. happy ones. great ones which i will never forget as well.the human brain is complex. thats all i've to say.

planned to mug today. probably start soon.
many things happening this week. due dates,tests,and of course the usual trainings.

I wanted to scan my sec2 final year art piece too. but my scanner's dead. can find the power plug thing.darn. one of my better works...
havent drawn since then. what shall my next project be? Im gonna design a building if i have the time in june.buildings nowadays all blocky and squarish. ugly. take the new acs building for example. i hate it.uugly...
gotta learn to paint from my dad too. its a great skill to have. and i've seen his scottish friend's works which are fantastic.

I admire these people.

i remember my sis painted stuff on her face when we were young. hahahahaha...funny...


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