Thursday, May 21, 2009

Surgey aftermath


It ain't easy sitting for long hours now because of the wound, but I've already dragged myself out of my room anyway and I might as well do something right now. Surgery went well and the entire chunk of blood and the cyst wall has been removed. The skin was stitched back pretty neatly with 11 stitches and I'm currently waiting for the wound to heal over so that I can get back to my normal life.

It's times like this that make me realise how weak the body really is. Small injuries can just go out of hand in a matter of hours and little cuts can turn to massive infections. No matter how invincible we may feel, we are humans after all.

This probably is God's second reminded to me to take care of my body, the first being my left foot. It's easy to say "yeah, I'll be careful" and "nothing will go wrong", but when it comes to the crunch, sometimes I just heck it. I really abuse my body quite abit when I train...

But that's gonna change!

It's not fun spending time in a hospital waiting and in pain. And it's definitely not worth the money.

Anyway, I'm itching to get back to training to save whatever is left of my preparation for ACC trials, NCC, World Champs and ACC.

Oh yeah, I've kinda decided where i'm gonna study too.

Hello England!
I'm looking forward to a great time :)

a video of clarence & jori training at kallang.


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