Monday, November 13, 2006

Lit (adventures part II)

Wandering The Lonely City

I filter through the street, alone.
the place lifeless, and only the shadows keep me company.
dim orange lights shower down on me, bathing me in colour, engulfing me.
there's nothing, no one.

Stony cold buildings, cold as the night breeze.
a kitten curled on a step.
Where am I? Lost?
Look!,there's a van in front, empty though.
Its metallic grey shimmering in the darkness.
It's mocking me...

2 streets...3...4...
the silence is deafening, eerie.
Yet, comforting, tranquil.

The silence is broken. A crack of thunder...
Damn...where's my umbrella...
Rain smashing on the ground.
Drenched, cold, miserable.
But I love the rain don't I?

A mall! Heaven sent!
Sheltered. I'm Expecting, imagining, picturing
some warmth at last.
Glass doors slide open.

It's dark. Cold. Empty.
It's night after all...

- Zeke


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